Everything that glitters

Lately I am feeling an undercurrent of wonderful things spinning near me. I actually feel energy all around me.It is not difficult to feel the anticipation of something good. I guess this must be the feeling of trusting the process. A trust that I am right where I am supposed to be? An acceptance that good things can and should and will happen for me.

Success is measured in the small intentional steps we take towards our goal. When one takes those steps, the universe magically opens to our truest heart's desire. To be honest, I had not set concrete goals for myself in nineteen years. A goal that I truly committed to doing the work and then received the benefit from staying focused on that goal. Goals are very difficult to follow through on.

I am happy at this new stage in my life, nearing 53-years-old, where I’ve committed to my goals and I am now feeling my life bend towards this familiar version of myself and the life I knew as a younger woman. It is a comfortable feeling, like your favorite pair of jeans. I have always been an artist and there is no other path that brings me the happiness and fulfillment like being surrounded with other likeminded artists creating art.

"Flora's Spell" is now about three weeks post-production. In a few more weeks I will have the first draft of my film. I've been working with a Composer on original music and plan to meet with him as soon as I get my eyes/ears on the first draft. Music may very well be the most important aspect of the film. Music provides the emotional pathway in the film for the highs, lows, scary parts, sad parts, magical parts, tension, and everything in between. As an artist, I feel the music inside my body.

During this waiting period, I had no intentions of writing new material until "Flora's Spell" screened at the festivals and enjoyed ALL her glory.Last week, unexpectedly, my heart opened to another story with characters so painfully lonely, broken, and yet so beautiful, that I am remiss to choose which story I like best. Please do not ask me. I am thankful for this time in my life where I can share and live a dream of mine. I wasn't sure what the future held for me on my new journey, but I am confident, without a doubt, that I am moving forward in the right direction.

My latest screenplay, "HONEY," films this summer and casting notices will be coming in a few weeks. My writing mentor chuckled that she’s “impressed and/or surprised” by the stories that come out of my heart seeing as though generally, much about me is full of positive energy.

Stay tuned for updates on “Flora’s Spell,” and my newest screenplay, “HONEY.”

Thank you for supporting me.




Happy Cinco de Mayo!